HU & WU patent office provides you clear information about obtaining Patents and Trademarks in Taiwan.

Obtain Patents For Your Products Or Techniques And Trademarks For Your Own Brand In Taiwan To Protect Your Business And Increase The Value Of Your Business.

General Examination time of TW patent application.

There are three types of the patent in Taiwan, including Invention patent, Utility model patent, and Design patent. According to our practice, the general Examination time for the three types are listed as follows: Invention patent: 8-15 months (from filing date to the date of receiving the first office action) ; Utility model patent: 3-5 months (from filing date to the date of receiving the allowance) ,and Design patent: 6-9 months (from filing date to the date of receiving the first office action or allowance).

General Examination time of TW trademark application.

Approximately 6-10 months (from filing date to the date of receiving the first office action or allowance).

Who can file patent or trademark application in Taiwan?

Nationals of Taiwan and nationals of WTO members. If you are nationals of WTO members or have an establishment in any WTO member but have no residence or business establishment in Taiwan, HU & WU will be your best choice to assist you in filing the TW patent or trademark applications.
Our Purpose

Be serious and responsible to clients' technology is our purpose for sustainable business.

To Improve the chaotic status of intellectual property that enterprises should possess but not, possess but not use, possess but useless or possess but abuse, and try to establish a correct and usable concept of intellectual property rights for clients.

Cindy HU

President of HU & WU patent office
our Clients

Qualified Taiwan and China patent attorney with rich practical experiences provide technology and IP professional services

applicants over
0 +
working experiences



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We help you to file your patent or trademark application in Taiwan.


IP right maintenance

We provide serious time management to maintain your pending applications and patents.


2024 Q3 V.S. 2023 Q3 TOP 10 of TW Patent Applicants

offer more
Assisting clients' intellectual property from getting harm by intellectual property accidents.


A. Our mission is to bring success to our clients and make them keep progress in the future.
Cindy Hu


We are qualified Taiwan and China patent attorney, collaborating with local professional agents from various countries to provide our clients’ safe, complete and efficient intellectual property protection.


Full service

Our Performance

Allowance ratio of TW invention patent applications in different technical fields (updated in June 2021)
IC integrated circuit design 97.4%
Semiconductor equipment 93%
Semiconductor packaging and testing technology 84%
Software or controlling related technology 100%
Mechanical technology 85%